More Shoes for Autumns and High Heel Styles for the 10 Archetypes

Shoes sell out quickly, as do all apparel items at any price, it appears. If the shoe you want is sold out at our link, try looking for the item by product name at Google. We have found that many retailers carry the same shoes, as do the original designer sites.

Each time we have prepared these issues so far, there have always been many gorgeous choices we considered for you that didn't make the final cut to the issue. With the help of the Hue and Stripe platform, we can now bring you more of the beautiful choices we find, so that more of you can make excellent purchases each issue. 

Further, we have decided to give you access to a catalog containing all the archetypes, rather than just your own, so that you can see the comparisons not drawn within your issue, and also so you can see more color options for the feature item type (shoes in this issue) in your season. Follow the link below to view the catalog:

High Heels for the 10 Image Archetypes

We chose shoes for this issue quite simply because it's been requested repeatedly, and well, all of you have to wear something on your feet. There were two topics of concern expressed often here, first, what type of flat or low heeled shoes to buy and wear every day, and second, what sort of high heel shapes to look for. Because the latter was the less commonly expressed need, we chose to do the bulk of the issue on flat and low heeled shoes and to offer a small catalog demonstrating the basics of how to choose high heels for your Archetype.

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